AI Psychiatry: Forensic Investigation of Deep Learning Networks in Memory Images

Authors: David Oygenblik, Carter Yagemann, Joseph Zhang, Arianna Mastali1, Jeman Park, Brendan Saltaformaggio

EE/CSC 7700 ML for CPS

Instructor: Dr. Xugui Zhou

Presentation by group 3:Zhiyong Sui (Presenter), Cheng Chen

Summarized by Group 7: Rishab Meka, Bharath Kollanur

Presentation date: September 18, 2024

Presentation slides:

AI Psychiatry: Forensic Investigation of Deep Learning Networks in Memory Images


This presentation explores the forensic analysis of deep learning models using a novel technique called AiP (AI Psychiatry). AiP is designed to recover machine learning models from memory images, which is critical for investigating models that have been compromised or attacked. This process is especially important for understanding models in production environments. AiP supports popular frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch and has demonstrated 100% accuracy in recovering models from memory for further analysis.

ML Model


This slide presents different types of attacks on machine learning models commonly used in autonomous vehicles. Attacks using Pattern, Pixel, Patch, and Watermark illustrate how traffic signs are manipulated during training for self-driving cars. These adversarial attacks aim to subtly alter the input data to trick the model into making incorrect predictions, which could lead to safety-critical failures in real-world applications.

ML Model Vulnerabilities


Machine learning models are often targeted through various attacks, including data poisoning, adversarial examples, and backdoor attacks. In data poisoning, attackers introduce malicious data during training, which compromises the integrity of the model. Similarly, backdoor attacks involve embedding hidden triggers that can later cause the model to make incorrect predictions. AiP helps identify these vulnerabilities by allowing forensic analysts to inspect and understand how these malicious inputs influence the model’s predictions. By recovering models directly from memory, AiP bypasses the need for access to original training data or binaries.

Understanding Vulnerabilities: From Benign to Compromised Machine Learning Models


The slide illustrates three configurations of a machine learning model, showcasing the progression from a benign classifier to potentially compromised versions through the integration of malicious elements. The first diagram displays a typical benign classifier processing an input to produce an output. The second introduces a merging layer, depicted in orange, symbolizing how a backdoor or malicious modification could be seamlessly integrated into the standard model structure, subtly altering its output. The third diagram shows a backdoor classifier with direct modifications to the architecture, highlighted in red, indicating the nodes where the backdoor mechanism is incorporated, also affecting the model’s output. This visual representation emphasizes the susceptibility of machine learning models to subtle and harmful modifications that can significantly alter their behavior, underscoring the critical need for robust security measures in their deployment.

Cross-Regional Risks: Propagation of Backdoors in Machine Learning Models


This slide demonstrates the impact of backdoored training data on machine learning models, focusing on the transition of training and deployment across U.S. and Swedish datasets. Initially, a model is trained with a clean U.S. training set, while an adversary simultaneously trains a compromised model using both clean and backdoored U.S. data, resulting in a model dubbed “U.S. BadNet.” Both the clean and compromised U.S. models undergo transfer learning with a clean Swedish training set, producing a benign “Swedish Baseline” and a potentially malicious “Swedish BadNet.” This process highlights how backdoors introduced in the training phase can propagate to different regional models, underscoring the critical importance of rigorous testing against both standard and manipulated inputs to ensure the deployed models’ security and integrity in varied environments.



AiP is a memory forensic technique that recovers machine learning models from both main memory and GPU memory, allowing investigators to inspect the model's internal workings. This method has been evaluated across three versions of TensorFlow and PyTorch using datasets such as CIFAR-10, LISA (traffic sign dataset), and IMDB (movie review dataset). AiP successfully recovered 30 models with 100% accuracy, enabling detailed white-box testing to analyze the model's vulnerabilities. The approach supports both black-box and white-box testing environments, providing forensic investigators with the tools needed to perform a comprehensive analysis of deep learning systems.

Challenges in Model Recovery


There are several challenges in recovering machine learning models from memory. Many models are protected with encryption or are closed-source, making it difficult to retrieve them directly. Additionally, models that undergo online learning continuously update their weights, leading to unique, environment-specific models. AiP addresses these challenges by focusing on recovering models from memory images rather than requiring direct access to source code or encrypted binaries. The technique allows investigators to recover models in a way that preserves the integrity of the unique, real-time weights and structures found in production environments.

AiP Introduction

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AiP enables the recovery of machine learning models, including those protected by encryption or undergoing real-time learning updates (online learning). Once recovered, these models can be rehosted for forensic analysis in a controlled environment. AiP operates by navigating both the CPU and GPU memory spaces to locate and extract key deep learning data structures, including tensors and model weights. This process allows investigators to analyze how the model was functioning at the time of failure or attack, providing valuable insights into the nature of the vulnerability.

Phase 1: Model Object Retrieval

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The first phase of AiP involves searching for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in memory, which represent the structure of the deep learning model. DAGs are key to understanding how computations flow through the model. AiP identifies the root objects in memory, which point to other components of the model, such as layers and tensors. This process allows AiP to build a complete map of the model’s architecture, which is essential for further analysis. Once the model object is retrieved, it serves as the foundation for recovering all related tensors and computations.

Phase 2: Feedback-Driven Tensor Recovery

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In this phase, AiP focuses on retrieving tensors—multi-dimensional arrays that store the data used in machine learning models—from memory. Tensors can be stored in both CPU and GPU memory, and AiP uses a feedback-driven approach to locate and recover them. The feedback mechanism ensures that only valid tensors are recovered, filtering out corrupted or irrelevant data. This step is critical for understanding the parameters that were used in the model's decision-making process. AiP also addresses the challenge of tensors being distributed across different memory spaces, ensuring that all relevant data is captured for forensic analysis.

Phase 3: Model Rehosting and Reuse


After retrieving tensors and other key components, AiP rehosts the model in a live environment for analysis. This step allows forensic investigators to perform white-box testing, where they have full access to the model's internal structure and behavior. The recovered tensors are transformed into an intermediate representation to ensure compatibility with the framework in use, enabling detailed analysis even if the model was initially secured by encryption or other security measures.


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AiP was evaluated using several datasets, including CIFAR-10, LISA, and IMDB, across different versions of TensorFlow and PyTorch. In total, 30 models were recovered with 100% accuracy. This evaluation demonstrates AiP's capability to recover models in a variety of environments, handling complex memory management strategies and varying encryption levels effectively. The rehosting capabilities of AiP ensure that the recovered models perform identically to their original counterparts, showcasing the robustness of AiP in real-world forensic scenarios.

Simulation Setup


A simulation compares two different forensic investigation methods: black-box analysis using AEVA (performed by Bob) and white-box analysis using AiP (performed by Alice). The simulation involves a self-driving car’s model being gradually poisoned with adversarial examples, introducing backdoors into the model. AiP is used to recover the model and detect these backdoors, highlighting its strength in identifying subtle backdoors that black-box methods may overlook.

Simulation Findings


The simulation results indicate that Alice, using AiP and white-box analysis, successfully detected all backdoors embedded in the model with 100% accuracy. In contrast, Bob’s black-box approach failed to detect any backdoors. These findings underscore AiP's effectiveness in forensic investigations, particularly in scenarios involving sophisticated attacks like backdoor insertion.

Contributions of AiP


AiP offers a significant tool for forensic analysis, especially for models undergoing continuous updates. Its ability to recover and rehost models for white-box analysis surpasses traditional black-box methods, which often struggle to detect subtle vulnerabilities. By providing comprehensive access to the model's internal structure, AiP enables more thorough investigations into model behavior and vulnerabilities.



While AiP is a powerful forensic tool, it has limitations. It may not perform effectively on models that have been heavily optimized or obfuscated, such as those using quantization techniques. Moreover, secure enclaves and trusted execution environments (TEEs) can inhibit memory acquisition, restricting AiP’s ability to recover models in certain cases. In highly protected environments, forensic investigators may need to employ additional techniques alongside AiP to achieve a complete analysis.


Q1. Why is there a disparity in the ASR error rate? (Group 1)

The disparity in the error rate typically arises in scenarios where a model behaves differently under certain conditions due to a specific trigger—an event or condition that causes a significant change in the model’s performance.

Q2. To recover tensors instead of deterministic approaches, is it possible to use LLM's to recover the tensors? (Group 8)

No, LLMs do not have enough context and also there are too many tensors, making it impractical to use LLMs for tensor recovery in this context.

Q3. Are some models harder to recover? (Group 8)

It totally depends on the ML framework. Some frameworks may have complex architectures or utilize advanced security features that make model recovery more challenging.

Q4. Are they recreating the model from memory data? (Group 6)

They are reconstructing the model, not recreating it from the memory data. Reconstruction involves piecing together model components from memory dumps to understand the model's architecture and functionality.

Discussion Questions

Q1. How can ML/DL models be reconstructed and rehosted for different use cases, such as mobile, healthcare, or smart home devices?

Reconstructing ML/DL models for various use cases involves adapting them to different operational constraints and environmental factors. For instance, in a smart home scenario, an alarm system might trigger unexpectedly due to a hack. A snapshot of the memory at that time could allow a hacker to reconstruct the model and uncover vulnerabilities.

Q2. What are the anti-forensic methods available for model reconstruction frameworks, as discussed in this paper?

Anti-forensic methods that hinder model reconstruction include the use of ensemble networks and increasing model complexity. As the size of the model increases, it becomes more challenging to reconstruct it quickly and accurately, especially if the model uses techniques like ensemble learning, which can obscure the underlying data patterns and operational logic.

Q3. Could this framework be exploited by hackers to extract models that companies intend to keep secure from users?

Yes, while the framework is designed for forensic analysis and improving security, it also presents a potential risk if exploited by hackers. Hackers could potentially use similar techniques to extract and analyze proprietary models, especially if they gain access to memory dumps or can mimic the conditions under which the forensic analysis is typically performed.