"Why Should I Trust You?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier

Authors:Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh, Carlos Guestrin

For class EE/CSC 7700 ML for CPS

Instructor: Dr. Xugui Zhou

Presentation by Group 8:Pacco Tan

Time of Presentation:10:30 AM, Monday, November 11, 2024

Blog post by Group 4: Betty Cepeda, Jared Suprun, Carlos Manosalvas

Link to Paper:


Summary of the Paper

The paper discusses the importance of understanding the reasons behind machine learning model predictions. This understanding is crucial for building trust in the model, especially when relying on its predictions for decision-making. The authors propose LIME, a technique that explains model predictions by learning a simpler, interpretable model locally around the prediction. They also introduce a method to select representative individual predictions and their explanations to provide a concise and informative overview of the model's behavior. The effectiveness of these methods is demonstrated through various experiments, including simulated and human-subject studies, in scenarios that require trust in machine learning models. These scenarios include deciding on the reliability of a prediction, selecting between different models, improving untrustworthy models, and identifying potential biases or limitations in the model.

Slide 1 & 2: Introduction & Motivation

Introduction Image Introduction Image

The initial slides introduce the presentation topic: Explaining predictions of any classifier. The motivation for this research is mainly to create a framework to generate model trust. The presentation delves into why trust in ML decisions is essential, especially for high-stakes applications.

Slide 3: Desired Characteristics for Explainers

Characteristics for Explainers Image

The desired characteristics for an ML explainer are outlined here. It emphasizes the need for local fidelity, model-agnostic methods, and a global perspective, underscoring that an explainer should offer understandable insights that generalize well across models.

Slide 4: Interpretable Data Representations

Interpretable Data Representations Image

This slide addresses the concept of interpretable data representations, essential for understanding model behavior.

Slide 5: Fidelity and Interpretability

Fidelity and Interpretability Image

The concepts of fidelity and interpretability are introduced. Fidelity refers to the accuracy of the explanation, while interpretability involves the simplicity and comprehensibility of the explanation. Both concepts are key for creating reliable model explainers.

Slide 6: Experimentation

Experimentation Image

This slide presents the experimental approach the authors took to generate an "Explainer" algorithm. An algorithm is shown.

Slide 7: Submodular Pick(SP) for explaining Models

LIME Image

This slide introduces the Submodular Pick algorithm, explaining how this algorithm helps in the process of finding the best set covering features.

Slide 8 & 9: Results of Explainerand SP-Lime

Results of Explainer ImageResults of SP-Lime

Results are shown for diferent methods of generating explanations. Random generation, Parzen Generation, Greedy Generation and LIME are all compared using the Recall Metric in different Datasets. SP-LIME was shown to have a better accuracy with a small Budget, showing that it can help determine and improve classifiers

Slide 10: Limitations

Limitations Image

The limitations of the proposed method are explained in this slide . Issues such as the intractability of capturing every detail of complex models, reliance on interpretable representations, and challenges in selecting optimal sampling strategies and distance measures.

Slide 11: Teamwork

Teamwork Image

This slide emphasizes teamwork and collaborative contributions in the presentation.

Slide 12: Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions Image

Several discussion questions are presented

Slide 13: References

References Image

The final slide lists references for further reading.


Discussion 1: How can we replace the interpretable representation so that it is more flexible?

Group 6 suggested use of LLMs to intepret the pixels. LLMs traditionally interpret features using words, so by having words label the pixel groups (such as "guitar" for the pixels composing the neck of guitar), we can establish the same benefits of interpratability while also becoming more easily understandable for humans. The presenter and teammate (Group 8) mentioned it was a good idea but some tradeoffs include the introduction of reliance on LLMs. In addition, the LLM itself is generally an ambiguous black box approach which is part of the challenge this paper aims to address. Group 6 member again remarked that the benefit of human intepretability might just be enough to counter the lack of accuracy introduced.

Discussion 2: What are some potential complexity measures or ways to better approximate interpretability?


Discussion 3: What are other classes of models that could be used for explanation?

Group 5 suggested using a model-specific approach instead of the utilized model-agnostic black box approach. Group 6 and the presenter remarked how that could be sufficient but is important to note the dependability on the specific inputs and outputs cause the results to be a certani way, moreso than the model itself.

Discussion 4: Are there alternative perturbation strategies that may perform better?



Q1: Dr. Zhou asked for a brief and simple explanation of how LIME works?

The presenter mentions that the method starts with local fidelity, meaning it looks at one instance at a time. They have a single image which is sampled around it, obtaining other similar and smaller images related to the original one. The model then uses the original input image and the sampled images for training; it computes a classification prediction of the image and analyzes what the outcome is. Finally, it fits a simple linear regression network to understand the data. In summary, it attempts to use simpler versions of the input data to classify it.

Q2: Dr. Zhou asked how to understand the interpretability of the model.

Depends on how we interpret representation, which is one of the limitations of the paper. Super pixels are just patches of the image that the model chooses to use. This is useful for some applications, but not for others.

Q3: Group 5 asked if the explainability is based on the feature or the model. How does the model obtain the features.

For text, this happens before embedding it during hot vectoring. For images, they come from a superpixel algorithm.

Q4: Group 5 asked how interpretability and explainability are different.

They are similar, but present small differences. Intepretability has more to do with how good to interpret the representation, making it easier to understand. Explainability is how easy to explain.

Q5: Group 6 asked how noise is being injected into the system

The presenter mentions that the authors are using a mask on top of the image. Given some inputs, it randomly picks some patches and then perturbs the image. Sampling is not done with noise, it is simply choosing which patches to account for. It is explained also as blacking out part of the input image. Many methods are available for this matter.